The work covered from Form Three onwards will be at Key Stage 2 level. During this year the same National Curriculum subjects are covered, but now in greater depth and paying particular attention to the three areas of Maths and the four areas of English. The children’s reading is also listened to each week and a ‘class reading book’ will be initiated.


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8.00am to 8.30am Breakfast Club (optional) Breakfast Club (optional) Breakfast Club (optional) Breakfast Club (optional) Breakfast Club (optional)
8.30am to 8.35am Registration


Registration Registration Registration Registration
8.35am to 9.00am Whole School Assembly House Meetings Hymn Practice Assembly Commendation Assembly
9.00am to 10.30am Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1 Lesson 1


10.30am to 11.00am Break


Break Break Break Break
11.00am to 12.30pm Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2 Lesson 2


12.30pm to 1.30pm Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch


1.30pm to 3.15pm Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Lesson 3 Lesson 3


3.15pm to 5.45pm Aftercare (optional) Aftercare (optional) Aftercare (optional) Aftercare (optional) Aftercare (optional)



Homework is issued daily in Form 3, based on topics covered during the week in class to consolidate the children’s learning. Homework should be completed in books rather than on sheets (unless otherwise specified in their homework diaries) and presentation should be as in class. Homework is always due in for the following day and children should spend at least 30 minutes per evening completing homework. Please note spellings will be given out on Friday and are due in, for marking, on Monday- books will be re-issued to children on Tuesday to revise spellings and are due back on Friday when they will be tested. Children are expected to be heard reading every night and diaries must be signed by an adult to show they have been listened to.

Please ensure children are handing in their homework and spelling books on time.

Children will be given the following homework:


Monday                      English Comprehension

Tuesday                      Maths

Wednesday                English Grammar

Thursday                     Maths

Friday                          Spellings and times table

  1. E. & Lacrosse

Form Three have Lacrosse on Thursday mornings this year and P.E. on Friday mornings. They are to still wear their P.E. kits on Thursdays and Fridays and stay in it all day – there is no need to bring their uniform.


Reading is an important part of the curriculum in Form Three and I hear all of the children read once a week.


In Maths we cover the three areas which are:

  1. Mechanical
  1. Problems
  2. Mental arithmetic

Also special attention is given to times tables 2 – 12.

Work covered in mechanical maths:

  1. Basic four rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, within areas of money, measurement, weight and capacity
  2. Long multiplication
  3. Long division
  4. Money, including simple bills
  5. Time, 12 and 24 hour clocks
  6. Sets
  7. Graphs
  8. Problems related to above work
  9. Mental maths
  10. Sound knowledge of tables up to 12 x 12


In English we cover the four areas which are:

  1. Grammar
  2. Comprehension
  3. Spellings
  4. Creative writing and poetry

Work covered in English:

  1. Twice weekly individual reading.
  1. Grammar, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, plurals, opposites, occupations, punctuation, abbreviation.
  1. Comprehension.
  2. Spellings -a weekly list.
  3. Handwriting, practising correct formation and beginning cursive writing.
  4. Free writing, including stories, reports, book reviews.




This consists of 4 areas:

  1. Non-verbal reasoning
  2. Verbal reasoning
  3. Maths
  4. English

For this work we use the Bond Assessment Papers.  These assessments are conducted on a Thursday, covering one paper from each area every week.



Foundation Subjects




In History we cover the Tudor Period from 1485 – 1603.

Topics covered include:

The Battle of Bosworth

William Caxton and the Printing Press

Henry VIII and his Wives

Life in Tudor England

Edward VIII and Mary I

Elizabeth 1st

Mary, Queen of Scots

Christopher Columbus and the New World

The Spanish Armada



In Science we cover many topics, which include:

Magnets and Light

Plants and Living Things

The Human Body

Soil and Rocks


In Geography we cover:

Countries of the World (Continents, Europe)

Investigating India


When studying each country we also look at their cultures and faiths and have special festival days to celebrate.



In R. E. we cover festivals in different religions:

  • Diwali
  • Hannukah
  • Christmas
  • Passover
  • Easter
  • Ramadan
  • Eid

Our topics are:

  • Rules in Religion
  • Festivals of Light
  • Christmas
  • Signs and Symbols
  • The Easter Story
  • The Beliefs and Practices of Islam

Art & Craft

In our art and craft lesson we study the artists Liechtenstein and Georges Seurat and their paintings.  We also cover Building Rockets in DT.


Mrs Cracknell has the children on Tuesday afternoon for Music.  Specialist violin, piano, trumpet and guitar lessons are offered as an extra. This is done during class time and on break and lunch time – obviously this is taken into consideration and as few children as possible are taken out of lessons.


Mrs Pinon takes the children for Spanish every Wednesday morning.

Extra-Curriculum Activities

There are numerous opportunities for the children to participate in extra-curricular activities and there are plenty of opportunities for them to demonstrate their sporting prowess and musical/dramatic talents. Choir is open to all on a Friday lunchtime and is taken by Mrs Cracknell.

I am available to speak with you before or after school most days, but should you wish for a more detailed appointment please contact our secretarial staff to arrange a suitable appointment.

Many thanks

Miss Wilkinson







  • Basic four rules of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, within areas of money, measurement, weight and capacity
  • Long multiplication
  • Long division
  • Money, including simple bills
  • Time, 12 hour and 24 hour clocks
  • Sets
  • Graphs
  • Problems related to the above work
  • Mental maths
  • Sound knowledge of tables up to 12 x 12


  • Daily individual reading
  • Grammar, including nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, plurals, opposites, occupations, punctuation, abbreviations
  • Comprehension
  • Spellings, a weekly list
  • Handwriting, practising correct formation and beginning cursive writing
  • Free writing, including stories, reports, book reviews

Foundation subjects including History, Science and Geography

  • The Battle of Bosworth
  • William Caxton and the Printing Press
  • Henry VIII and his Wives
  • Life in Tudor England
  • Edward VIII and Mary I
  • Elizabeth 1st
  • Mary, Queen of Scotts
  • Christopher Columbus and the New World
  • The Spanish Armada
  • Plants and Living Things
  • The Human Body
  • Soil and Rocks
  • Countries of the World (Continents, Europe)
  • Investigating India
  • Volcanoes

Art and Craft

  • Works of famous artists
  • Craft activities e.g. Christmas Trees, Tudor Houses
  • Building Rockets


  • Rules in Religion
  • Festivals of Light
  • Christmas
  • Signs and Symbols
  • The Easter Story
  • The Beliefs and Practices of Islam